Serious Hearts is a production team consisting of Jules Menyhart (a.k.a. Marcika) (they/them) and Liv Cerio (they/them) based in Oakland, CA. Jules and Liv met at UC Berkeley working towards a Film & Media BA. Having graduated in 2021, they’ve been working together since. Prioritizing their pure love for filmmaking, each project together is a labor of love.
We feel many videographers today are aesthetically limited by trying to conform to an idea of a professional standard that flattens everything so there is no human distinction. We want to embrace the quirks and personal sensibilities of human artists in our work, allowing for a unique standout presentation and final product that feels like art over a commerical product.
Speciailizing in event videography and music videos, we believe every moment is art. Our name was originally "Everything Is Art"!. We changed to Serious Hearts because we felt it was more unique to us, Serious coming from Liv Cerio's "Cerio" and Hearts coming from Jules Menyhart's "Menyhart" (pronounced manyheart). We take everything we do incredible seriously, but prioritze heart over all else. We have the power to turn a moment into a memory that will last a lifetime. Whether it’s the happy faces of the people attending your gathering or you performing your new song, we promise we will give our all to capture the feelings in the air.
Jules Menyhart also specializes in website coding and design, preferring to work with html. I love to make one-of-a-kind artist portfolio type sites.